Who Are You?

Carol Clegg-Lamptey

This question came up during Bible Study in church as we were looking at Abraham and his lineage and how God changed his name from Abram to Abraham.

I think the more important question is this – Who does God say that you are?
Growing up, I battled with an inferiority complex; always feeling that everyone was better than me; I was short, ugly, uninteresting and well,..boring.

What changed all that? Learning about who I am in Christ. Learning from the Word of God just how much God loves me just as I am. Reminding myself daily that ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made’ Psalm 139:14

It sure didn’t happen overnight,..but I thank God for how far He’s brought me. And this is true for all of us. The Word says – But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

One scene I’ll never forget in the movie – Overcomer, is where Hannah comes to tell her coach the answer to the question- who are you?, after reading Ephesians 1. It literally brings tears to my eyes:

I am created by God. He designed me. So I’m not a mistake.
His Son died for me, just so I could be forgiven.
He picked me to be His own, so I’m chosen.
He redeemed me, so I am wanted.
He showed me Grace, just so I could be saved.
He has a future for me, because He loves me!
So I don’t wonder anymore, Coach Harrison. I AM a child of God!
I just wanted you to know.

Praaaaaaaaise God!

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Carol Clegg-Lamptey who goes by the pen name CCL is a trained specialist ophthalmologist with an interest in medical retina. Having battled with depression over the years, she seeks to encourage others who may be down to fix their eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. For with Christ in the vessel,..we shall surely smile at the storm. ...Read More
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