Carol Clegg-Lamptey

I was chatting with a friend when the words of the hymn ‘Trust and obey’ came to mind. πŸ˜‡

When we walk with the Lord
in the light of His word,
what a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey,
for there’s no other way
to be happy in Jesus,
but to trust and obey.

There’s NO OTHER WAY to be happy in Jesus.

I believe being happy in Jesus is what we call Joy.
Indeed this Christian life is a walk with the Lord.
Isn’t it a comfort to know that God is with us,..right by our side?

In all the ups and downs of life.
He has promised never to leave nor forsake us. (Deut 31:6)
He has promised that when we pass through the waters He will be with us and when we walk through the fire, we will not be burned! (Isaiah 43:2-4)

He who promised is faithful. (Heb 10:23)
He is not a man to lie NOR a son of man to change His mind. (Num 23:19)
His promises are Yay and Amen. (2 Cor 1:20)

What a God!

What does He ask of us?
That we trust and obey Him.

He has asked us to trust Him with ALL OUR HEART and not lean on our own understanding. That we acknowledge Him in all our ways, and what will He do in response? – He will direct our path. (Prov 3:5-6)

He has given us all we need for life and godliness. (2 Per 1:3)
His Word is a lamp onto our feet and a light onto our path. (Ps 103:105)

He has given us the Holy Spirit as a Helper.
He has given us each other as the body of Christ to spur one another on to love and good deeds.

He has told us not to give up meeting together. But to meet all the more as we see the Day approaching. (Heb 10:24-25)
He has asked us to encourage each other with psalms , hymns and spiritual songs. (Eph 5:19)

He has asked us to obey Him.
That if we love Him we will obey His commandments. (John 14:15)

What are the two greatest commandments that Jesus summed up the law with??
To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind.
To love our neighbour as ourselves.

That’s the formula alright!
To trust and obey God.

And we can do this only in His strength alone.

Remember the father who asked Jesus to heal his son used the phrase “if you can,…”.
IF?!!! In speaking to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords??! 😱

He is more than able! πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

Where we find ourselves doubting we should tell God:
“Lord I believe! Help my unbelief!”

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

Be blessed!

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Carol Clegg-Lamptey who goes by the pen name CCL is a trained specialist ophthalmologist with an interest in medical retina. Having battled with depression over the years, she seeks to encourage others who may be down to fix their eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. For with Christ in the vessel,..we shall surely smile at the storm. ...Read More
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