Carol Clegg-Lamptey

The internet has made life so much easier.
But every coin has two sides doesn’t it? 🤔

As helpful as it can be, it can also be very harmful.
It always pains me to see those pop ups asking – “wanna see?”.
No, I don’t want to see or I’d have gone searching for that stuff,… duuuuh!
Sin is presented to you; you don’t even need to bother searching for it!
Lord have mercy on us, especially our children. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

To more positive matters. 😁
I was looking for a Psalm of praise or thanksgiving and this is the Psalm that was suggested. I quickly read through and I was – yes!
Psalm 145.

Let’s use the internet and social media for Christ.
The days are coming where we will be openly persecuted for even attempting to do so.
It had been prophesied, hasn’t it??
The days are getting more evil, may the good Lord have mercy on us.

I’ll share something funny.
Sometimes, when I can’t reach certain people or certain people appear missing to me, I ask myself – “Has the rapture happened??” Now I can boldly by Gods grace reassure myself and say – No.
You know why??
Because I’m still here!

Now to the Psalm of the day.
May you meditate on its words. ☺️☺️🙏🏽


Psalm 145:1-21 NLT

1 I will exalt you, my God and King,
and praise your name forever and ever.

2 I will praise you every day;
yes, I will praise you forever.

3 Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise!
No one can measure his greatness.

4 Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts;
let them proclaim your power.

5 I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor
and your wonderful miracles.

6 Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue;
I will proclaim your greatness.

7 Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;
they will sing with joy about your righteousness.

8 The LORD is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

9 The LORD is good to everyone.
He showers compassion on all his creation.

10 All of your works will thank you, LORD,
and your faithful followers will praise you.

11 They will speak of the glory of your kingdom;
they will give examples of your power.

12 They will tell about your mighty deeds
and about the majesty and glory of your reign.

13 For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.
You rule throughout all generations.
The LORD always keeps his promises;
he is gracious in all he does.

14 The LORD helps the fallen
and lifts those bent beneath their loads.

15 The eyes of all look to you in hope;
you give them their food as they need it.

16 When you open your hand,
you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.

17 The LORD is righteous in everything he does;
he is filled with kindness.

18 The LORD is close to all who call on him,
yes, to all who call on him in truth.

19 He grants the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cries for help and rescues them.

20 The LORD protects all those who love him,
but he destroys the wicked.

21 I will praise the LORD,
and may everyone on earth bless his holy name
forever and ever.


God dey!
He dey paaaaa!!!!

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Carol Clegg-Lamptey who goes by the pen name CCL is a trained specialist ophthalmologist with an interest in medical retina. Having battled with depression over the years, she seeks to encourage others who may be down to fix their eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. For with Christ in the vessel,..we shall surely smile at the storm. ...Read More
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